Please see "Resources" for distance worship links.
Sunday School
Sunday school and Adult Bible class begin at 8 AM Sunday morning and last about a half hour.
Now enrolling!
Sunday mornings
9 am worship
Christmas Eve
6:30 pm Lessons & Carols
Christmas Day
9 am Festival Worship
New Year's Eve
6:30 pm
Peace Lutheran Church teaches God's word as revealed in the Bible. We believe Jesus came to our world, lived the perfect life that we can't, died a perfect death, rose from the dead, and will return to bring us home to heaven. We face our earthly lives with the peace of knowing our souls are in the hands of our changeless, all-powerful God who credits Jesus' perfection to us.
We belong to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

Pastor Nickolas Haasch earned his bachelor's degree at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota and his master's degree at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin. He served Trinity Lutheran Church in Sturgis, South Dakota for seven years before coming to Peace in October of 2019.